Tuesday 19 September 2017


What inspires and motivates Rika?

For me, my family is everything, and my greatest strength is found in both my parents Reetesh and Tamara and my younger brother Raul. It’s also in this bond that we share that I find the inspiration and passion to strive for success both as an individual and in my career.

Why this career path?
I was born into a World of Aviation and Travel. My father exposed me to the Aviation World ever since I was little. He was employed by a major Airline for several years; his position gave my family many opportunities to travel far and wide, to all ends of Our Mother Earth. This opened up my mind, my heart and my soul. I fell in love with the diversity of this Colourful, Beautiful, Wonderful World and of course the Dynamics of Flight

80s Fan

My Parents, My Team
How can YOU become an Airline Pilot?
Subject choices in High School are important and will aid you with later studies viz. English, Mathematics, Physical Science and Geography are beneficial. In addition, you will have to complete up to two months of Ground School Training and need more than 1,500 hours of flight experience. Usually the path to follow is from PPL (Private Pilots License) to CPL (Commercial Pilot License)

What are a Pilots Health Requirements?
The First Recommendation to any aspiring Pilot is to obtain a Class 1 Medical Certificate. This is a mandatory requirement for all flight crew in order to operate commercially. You are tested for good general health, and any disqualifying conditions such as diabetes and colour blindness are identified. Some conditions are not necessarily disqualifying, but may require further investigation and testing. Generally, Class 1 Medical is designed for the Airline Transport Pilot and a Commercial Pilot; and Class 2 Medical are for the student, recreational and private pilots. Class 3 medical certificates have the least restrictive medical requirements; for Air Traffic Controllers. After the initial issue, you are required to attend a medical assessment on an annual basis until the age of forty, then every six months until the age of 65. Maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle may well go a long way to prolonging a career as a pilot.

What are the visual requirements for different classes of medicals?
The visual examination has minimum requirements for different parameters examined depending on the class of medical applied for. You are allowed to fly with either spectacles or contact lenses. Surgical correction of refractive abnormalities is allowed but a three to six month waiting period is required before the applicant can be re-certified. Also you require 20/20 vision to be a pilot, but if you don't have 20/20 vision naturally you can be a pilot with glasses provided your vision can be corrected; with the use of glasses. 





  1. This is absolutely amazing Rika, and informative! Keep up good work! ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Thanks Naya, you are one of my biggest cheerleaders. I truly appreciate you.

  2. Well done. You are taking it to new heights! Keep on keeping on... Kreshentha

  3. Thank you Rika - this information is very helpful - thank you thank you, Nirasha

    1. Hi Nirasha, I am trying to post weekly blogs and post a few Youtube videos, please keep watching.

  4. Good artcile, but it would be better if in future you can share more about this subject. Keep posting.
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Take-Off And Landing Cessna 172

Hi Peeps!!   ๐Ÿ˜ Hope you enjoy this cool video taken while flying over parts of Jozi! ๐Ÿคฉ ๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍✈️ ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ️ Please don't forget to Share, Like...