Monday 25 September 2017


1. FREE TIME - Varies from airline to airline, Charter  airlines have most of their flights during the summer season, during the winter season you are more than likely to have some extra free time on your hands. Long haul pilots can have up to 8 flights a month, however sometimes that figure is even lower resulting in a lot more free time and so you can expect to see up to 20 off days at times, about 10 of these days will be spent away from home

2. SHORT TRAINING AND STUDYING PERIOD - For most fields, study periods range from 3 to 5 years, some fields have even longer periods of time to complete your studies in that particular field, this is not one of them, in aviation you can become a qualified pilot in approximately 2 years, for some that number can be even less, it's based on student performance, weather conditions , instructor availability, your finances and so the duration is variable but 2 years is a reasonable figure.

3. INTERESTING PEOPLE - You constantly meet new people; your crew members constantly change and so do your passengers. You also don't have to be an Airline pilot; you can be a Charter pilot getting the rich and famous from point A to point B. During the different countries visits you can meet lots of diverse people from multicultural backgrounds

4. OVERNIGHT HOLIDAY DESTINATIONS - You get paid to stay in beautiful destinations across the globe, live in world class luxury hotels, get a chance to see new cities and to bring friends or family long for the ride. 

Statute of Liberty, NYC, USA

Taj Mahal, Agra India

Tango in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Eiffel Tower, Paris France

5. CHEAP TICKETS - Varying from airline to airline you receive between 2 and 4 free tickets a year and you can have 50% or more on discounts for standby tickets, these can be for family, your friends or yourself to spoil. Take your grandma along for a flight, your parents or go on a fun trip with your mates. Your Airline might also have partnerships with other Airlines, and certain hotel chains making your booking for both in most cases, cheaper than for everyone else, leaving you with more spending money.

6. ADRENALINE RUSH - Flying is not a job its a PASSION. The first solo flight, you'll ever do ; you will never forget. As an airline pilot imagine having control over a huge Airbus or Boeing, soaring through the skies; it must be absolutely exuberating. Flying to unknown destinations or just flying through fog, while you completely rely on your instruments and your autopilot to get you and your passengers to your destination. Its breath taking.

7. RESPECT - Pilots are admired for the huge responsibility they have on their shoulders to ensure the passengers, the aircraft and the cargo land safely.

8. MONEY - Pilots get paid extremely well compared to most other occupations out there today piloting is relatively high up in most areas of the world. Example a doctor working 100 hours compared to an Airline pilot working 70 hours a month; an Airline Captain would generally get paid more.

Well, it is exhausting to keep up an Aviation medical yet it's also beneficial to your body and mind. By wanting to keep your medical, you are encouraged to be healthy which makes you live longer.

To have a Electric "Robot voice " is not one of the best reasons to become a pilot, but definitely one of the most FUN reasons.

Pilots have a huge responsibility; this is due to the passengers, cargo and the aircraft therefore pilots get paid in most instances an above well off salary. They also need enough time to recuperate after flights because of jet lag. All the fun aside you need a lot of discipline, courage, willpower, belief in yourself, money and a bit of luck to become one. Make sure you sure to subscribe on my YouTube Channel and confirm subscription to this blog via email


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    1. Thanks for the support Dear Schalk. Please keep reading and watching my channel


Take-Off And Landing Cessna 172

Hi Peeps!!   😁 Hope you enjoy this cool video taken while flying over parts of Jozi! 🤩 👩‍✈️ 🇿🇦 ️ Please don't forget to Share, Like...